Why? (Note: Ramanathan is Hindu.)Ī: For a very simple reason. Q: Most scientists don’t try to get faith leaders involved in issues like this. I think American generosity and the tendency to contribute to common good will kick in with the Pope’s message. The Pope held up a mirror to us all and said that our unsustainable consumption of fossil fuels is hurting billions of innocent people. When there’s an earthquake in Nepal or a typhoon in the Philippines, Americans are the first to respond with humanitarian aid. Q: How will that message go over in the United States?Ī: Disasters hit all around the planet. He is asking us to use energy more efficiently and switch to renewable energy as much and as soon as possible. He is asking us to change our attitude towards nature and towards each other change our behavior when it comes to wasteful consumption of energy. Q: What is Pope Francis really asking of people?Ī: He is not asking us to sacrifice our wellbeing. Basically, such a direct appeal by faith leaders led by Pope Francis will embolden world leaders to take action. I am making this proposal publicly for the first time in your newspaper.Īll religions advocate protection of the beauty of the planet, moderation in our consumption of natural resources and protection of the poor. Q: And you feel that an appearance by Pope Francis could achieve that?Ī: I think it would stop all of the bickering between nations if the Pope and other religious leaders address the Paris summit leaders directly. If we fail, we would march ceaselessly towards unprecedented warming with potentially catastrophic warming during this century. The Paris summit in December 2015 has to result in a protocol that is signed by every nation.

World leaders have always come home without a signed protocol to mitigate climate change. The COP has been meeting every year for 20 years. Maybe that UN address will lead to the Pope, and other faith leaders, being invited to the UN Conference of Parties (COP) in Paris in December. Pope Francis will travel to New York in September to address the United Nations General Assembly. On July 6th, the Dalai Lama is holding a major public hearing at Irvine on Compassionate Planet, with experts on climate change. Some of us at the Pontifical Academy teamed up with the United Nations and arranged a summit of leaders of most major religions in April of this year at the Vatican, presided over by UN’s Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. Because of the moral and ethical issues raised by Pope Francis which require behavioral changes, faith leaders of all religions have a major role to play. Q: Where will that leadership specifically come from?Ī: We cannot just rely on leadership from politicians, although it is essential.

Now, it’s going to take peoples’ initiative and leadership to push it open and seek solutions for slowing down climate change as soon as possible.
Pope Francis, by illuminating the moral and ethical side of the climate change problem, has opened a small crack in the door that’s been shut for decades. I was more than excited it felt like Pope Francis’ statement will inspire us to work for the common good of the planet and protect nature’s beauty, and in so doing protect humanity from drastic climate changes. I thought, my goodness, this is like Rachel Carson’s ‘Silent Spring,’ the book that changed America. Q: How did you react to Pope Francis’ strong words that humans contribute to climate change, and that the change is damaging the environment and affecting societies?Ī: It is the most thought-provoking and heart-tugging statement on climate change that I have ever seen.